Monday, May 14, 2007

14 Years????

One other story from the weekend. I met a couple from New Zealand in Chapada Diamantina that had been traveling for a long, long time. Fourteen years to be precise. They started their trip in 1993! Fourteen years is a long time. During that time kids have been born, people have died, and David Hasselhoff has gone from un-cool to cool to un-cool again (now that I think about it, has David Hasselhoff ever been un-cool?). I can´t say that I am jealous of their 14 year roadtrip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You scared me a little with the "Diamonds are Forever Title"........

But, I am trying to stand upright and that is taking so much concentration, I can't worry about DAF.

You and Hasselhoff....who would have thunk it!!!!! you are sooooo worldly.....even in the outback of Brazil.