Friday, June 15, 2007


Believe everything you've ever heard or read about Sherpas. There is no way in hell Edmund Hillary, or any other gringo for that matter, could have summitted Mt. Everest without the support of the local Sherpa community. You think its hard carrying a 6-pack of beer home from your local grocery store in your SUV??? These guys carry up to 8 CASES of beer on their backs for several days, up and down mountains for 40 miles, just to make 15 dollars in salary. All so a few thirsty climbers can enjoy some suds at the end of the day. But its not just beer. The sherpas carry 100+ pound packs of firewood, tiles, rice, Cokes, stones, windows, kitchen sinks (literally), oxygen bottles, and everything else you can think of.

And they don't wear hiking boots. Their footwear of choice? Camouflage keds. I am not kidding. I have the pictures to prove it.


Nicki said...

David, your adventures sound incredible. Can't wait to see the pictures and talk with you when you return. I love you.

Anonymous said...

SHB ??....
Smile now......and start adding some points....
Beautiful, beautiful picture! Lovely idea.