Sunday, April 22, 2007

Taxis of the World

I´ve decided to do a ¨Taxis of the World¨ series on my blog. I thought it might be interesting to show you different taxis from different parts of my trip. Below are the first four in the installment. The first one, above, is an Amazonian (Peru) taxi.

To the right, you´ll see a mototaxi, very common in Iquitos (Peru).

On the left, you'll see a good example of a Mendoza (Argentina) taxi. This city is full of old Renaults, Peugeots, Citroens, Fords and Dodges.

On the right, a common taxi in Barreal (Argentina), a rural town at the base of the Andes.

1 comment:

Erica said...

Barreal is a beautiful place! I`m argentine. I was in Barreal in my last hollidays.